Learn from the ancestral wisdom of the Incas to solve modern problems.
The Incas are the undisputed champions of hiding. Their empire survived the unparalleled colonial might of the Spanish conquistadors for forty years. A mixture of strategic relocation, inventive guerrilla tactics, and their own form of encryption allowed them to survive twenty times as long as the Aztecs. One part of their strategy was the use of quipus, artistic string designs that contained hidden knowledge that to this day has not been deciphered. The mythical golden city of El Dorado, had it existed, could never have been found as long as the Incas guarded its location.
Inspired by the concept of quipus, the El Dorado Cipher Kit presents a full guide on how to bring to life the traditional stenography of the Incas. You’ll learn to make your own ornate string pattern–an involved task not for the faint of heart but well worth the effort–that serves on the one hand as an ancient-inspired artifact, while hiding in plain sight whatever secrets the user wishes to recover later: passwords, seed phrases, or other forbidden knowledge. Write entire sentences in a single quipus that are offline and stay offline: as all sensitive phrases and passwords should.
For those who appreciate crafting, value the ornate designs of the New World, and who have critical data security needs, the El Dorado Cipher Kit is the perfect weekend art project that redefines the meaning of “security through obscurity.”