Technocracy noun

rule by the selected Experts through technological coercion
Wake up, anon. . .

The Technocracy has you. . .

We know why you’re here. You know something – you feel something – is wrong. You look around and see control. Dystopia. You own nothing, and you’re not happy. Like a faint memory from childhood you can’t imagine a world that isn’t tracking your every move.

The software you rely on reports back to company headquarters. Accounts have replaced your once-proud CD collection. Services “respect your privacy” until you click “Agree.” Always-online digital rentals ding you hundreds per month while offering clever ways of saying they own everything. Your bank serves as an unpaid spy for the government and your communications scan your language for evidence of thought-crime. You’re a slave to The Technocracy. But at least you know it.

We took the red pill years ago. We know the solutions are difficult, but we’ve found them and they do exist. Join us in this definitive privacy and freedom tutorial series as we show you what we’ve learned.

// All we offer is the truth. //

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