Technocracy noun

rule by the selected Experts through technological coercion

Wake up, anon. . . The Technocracy has you. . .

We know why you’re here. You know something – you feel something. You look around and see control. Dystopia. You own nothing, but you’re not happy. And like a faint memory from childhood you can’t imagine a world that isn’t tracking your every move.

The software you rely on reports back to company headquarters. Services “respect your privacy” until they don’t. Always-online digital rentals have replaced freedom and ownership. Your bank serves as an unpaid spy for the government. You’re a slave to the Technocracy. But at least you know it.

We took the red pill years ago. The solutions are difficult, but worthwhile. Join us as we show you what we’ve learned.

DRM-free and with lifetime access to future updates. Unlike your average privacy peddler we’re offering a solution: not a way to monetise your pain.

Video Modules in Escape the Technocracy

MODULE 1: Linux (45 min)
MODULE 2: Basic Online Privacy (41 min)
MODULE 3: Digital Minimalism (65 min)
MODULE 4: Monero (74 min)
MODULE 5: Coming Soon

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