Underground Backup Kit (Toolkit)


Sovereign Data Protection at your fingertips



Backups are the fine line that separates civilization from chaos.

As a privacy-seeker using zero-knowledge services and public key cryptography, you are fully responsible and fully alone when it comes to backing up your seed phrase, your wealth, and your other invaluable data. Well… maybe not entirely alone.

We’re here to help. This bundle of printable PDFs allows you to create easy backups for your seed phrases, your main passwords, and other choice information. Print it, fill it out, laminate it, and hide it wherever you think is best. No overpriced steel, no shipping to your home address, no exposure of your name tied to crypto: finally a true privacy option for backing up the crucial bits of data in your life.


  • Five PDFs with stealth templates to hide your backup data in “plain sight”
  • Three PDFs basic templates to backup cryptocurrency seeds (including Bitcoin and Monero seeds), passphrases, backup logs, etc
  • Instructions on how to use including how to create tamper-evident stealth backups

If you purchase at any time you will have access to all future updated versions.

Revision & Version

// Current Version 1.1 // Last Updated 05 August 2024

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